Time Wasters Trainer

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  • 119 25.03.2023

    Get Time Wasters Trainer with 14 cheat options. Time Wasters cheats are free and ready to use on your PC. List of the avaliable cheats:

    Saúde Infinita
    Escudos Infinitos
    Intensificadores Infinitos
    Raio do Ímã Dourado Maciço
    Abates com Um Golpe
    Missões Fáceis
    Velocidade do Jogo
    Definir cubos de tempo
    Definir cubos de espaço
    Definir nível atual
    Definir ouro atual
    Definir ouro para o próximo nível
    Definir pontos de atualização
    Definir multiplicador de ouro

    How to download and use the Time Wasters Trainer Cheats for PC?

    To install Time Wasters Trainer on your PC, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the "Download Trainer" button.
    2. You must now obtain the Adventure Island Trainer.
    3. Install the Trainer safely on your computer.
    4. Launch the Time Wasters Trainer from your desktop.
    5. Run it as well as the Time Wasters game.
    6. Activate your preferred cheats while the game is running.

    That's all. You're finished!

    Lancamento: TBA - Early Access Programador: Proton Studio Inc Editor: Proton Studio Inc

    Download Time Wasters Trainer

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