Get Starsand Trainer with 12 cheat options. Starsand cheats are free and ready to use on your PC. List of the avaliable cheats:

HP Ilimitado
Resistência Ilimitada
Sede Ilimitada
Fome Ilimitada
Respiração Ilimitada
Definir Velocidade de Caminhada
Definir Quantidade de Itens Arrastados
Temperatura Sempre Ideal
Excelente proteção contra o sol e o frio
Corte instantâneo / Recursos de minas
Remover requisitos de criação
Criação rápida

How to download and use the Starsand Trainer Cheats for PC?

To install Starsand Trainer on your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Download Trainer" button.
  2. You must now obtain the Adventure Island Trainer.
  3. Install the Trainer safely on your computer.
  4. Launch the Starsand Trainer from your desktop.
  5. Run it as well as the Starsand game.
  6. Activate your preferred cheats while the game is running.

That's all. You're finished!

Lancamento: Nov 4, 2021 Programador: Tunnel Vision Studio Editor: Tunnel Vision Studio

Download Starsand Trainer

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